Environmental Forum “Climate Crisis”

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By seoa1234

2024 Club Valkyrie Social Contribution Project

The 2024 Club Valkyrie Social Contribution Project, ‘Valkyrie Forum’ will be held in Jeju, an opera.

It will be held from May 11th (Sat) to 20th (Mon) at Sitabukpa, Sehwa-ri, Gujwa-eup, Jeju.

Club Valkyrie (CEO Lee Sang-mi) said, “In an era when nature is threatened by the climate crisis, Jeju Island will hold a photo exhibition to preserve the beauty of Jeju and urge efforts to preserve the environment.”

As part of Valkyrie Art Week, this year’s individual exhibition of Viduri, “Sumgol, Climate Crisis,” which was prepared to contribute to strengthening the capacity of all members, expanding social participation, and developing various cooperative projects as a social contribution project, will be held from May 11 (Sat) to 20 (Mon) at Sitabookpa in Sehwa-ri, Gujwa-eup, Jeju-si.

After exploring the value of dignity for animals for 15 years from 2009, the artist turned his attention to Jeju Island, a treasure trove of wider nature. It is a clean area that UNESCO has designated as a biosphere reserve, a World Natural Heritage Site, and a World Geopark certification. However, Jeju’s ecological environment is also threatened by the climate crisis.

The Viduri Photo Exhibition “Sumgol, Climate Crisis” is an exhibition that evokes the seriousness of the climate crisis and informs the beauty of Jeju. In the exhibition name, “Sumgol” was borrowed from a description of Bijarim in Jeju Island. Since Jeju Island does not have a river, water is the most important living resource. That’s why the Jeju people called the hole where rainwater, which is as important as life, flows into the underground, ‘Sumgol’ in Jeju. Soonggol is also used as “a word that figuratively refers to the core or source of an object or object.”

As a result of a good trip that reduces carbon emissions, the artist displays 25 photographic works at this exhibition. Through this, we convey the beauty of Jeju that we need to protect and preserve.

Exhibits palm tree works that seek to arouse interest in the climate crisis. When I get off at Jeju Airport, I can feel the exotic scenery because palm trees are planted everywhere. Most of the palm trees planted on Jeju Island are Washington palm trees, which are home to Washington, USA. In addition, there are canary palms native to Canary Island in the Atlantic Ocean, butiah palms native to Brazil, and Dangjonglios native to China.

Since the 1980s, Jeju has planted thousands of palm trees across the province for the tourism industry. Thus, palm trees have contributed to Jeju’s tourism industry over the past few decades. However, as palm trees grew more than 15 meters, they frequently fell over the cable lines of electric poles in the city center. In addition, due to its thin stem, it was bent by the windy Jeju strong wind and became a threat to the safety of citizens. Then, Jeju Island has been removing problematic palm trees since 2021 for safety reasons. Considering the palm tree incident (?), which has become Cheondeok-kuk-kuri on Jeju Island, there is something in line with the climate crisis. It’s humans that caused the climate crisis, but rather it seems to blame nature. Wouldn’t our attitude toward the climate crisis be the same? It is humans that triggered the climate crisis, but the artist asks the question if he is blaming the sick and sick nature.

Viduri started photography in 2003 while working as a reporter for Hakbo Corporation when she was in college. The artist has been working on the theme of the zoo since 2009. In 2018, he was recognized for his work by winning the Onbit Photo Award hosted by the Onbit documentary. He participated in nine individual and a number of team events.

As an exhibition unit program, Viduri’s lecture on “How to take good pictures with a smartphone” will be held twice at Sitabookpa on May 11 (Sat) and May 18 (Sat). It is held through pre-participation recruitment.

In addition, Club Valkyrie will hold the Valkyrie Forum in Jeju (Chairman Kang Yong-deok), an opera in Aewol, Jeju, on May 19 (Sunday), where key figures who are active as Club Valkyrie culture and art guards are present. A total of seven experts will participate. First, starting with Kang Yong-deok’s celebratory performance, ▲Sharing techniques to take pictures with Viduri’s smartphone ▲Lee Won-ah’s folk painting experience program ▲Yoo Kyung-ran’s metaverse VR experience lecture ▲Kim Kyu-jin’s presentation on the role and value of customs will be held. In addition, the current status and achievements of Club Valkyrie CEO Lee Sang-mi will be shared, and a ceremony will be held to present a letter of appreciation. ▲ The defense story of General Yeo Woon-tae (chair professor at Wonkwang University) ▲ The social contribution project will end with Professor Park Yoon-ok’s ESG story. This workshop is free of charge for both tourists and participants as well as Jeju residents.

Lee Sang-mi, CEO of Club Valkyrie, said, “We organized the Climate Crisis Photo Exhibition and Valkyrie Forum as a 2024 Club Valkyrie Social Contribution Project. In particular, the Valkyrie Social Contribution Project will hold the “Sumgol, Climate Crisis” exhibition and the Valkyrie Forum in close cooperation with the support and sponsorship of Jeju Island’s Dasing Society (Sitabukpa & Mom Stay Hostel), opera Jeju, and Isang Art. We have prepared two events to evoke the seriousness of the climate crisis in today’s world,” he said, adding, “I hope that many visitors take time to attend Jeju Island as it is a meaningful exhibition and forum that goes beyond just something to enjoy.” We ask for a lot of participation from Jeju residents and tourists,” he said.

Reporter Park Ha-young: p-hayoung70@hanmail.net<Copyrights © No unauthorized reproduction and redistribution of the Korea Culture Times>

Source: http://m.hmhtimes.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=11216