Case Study   Levi’s_Sustainable Management for the Fashion Industry

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By seoa1234

Levi’s: A Century of Denim and Sustainability

Brand Concept:

• Individual Expression: Celebrates self-expression and individuality through versatile denim pieces adaptable to personal tastes.

• Community and Inclusion: Levi’s strives for inclusivity and champions social causes, reflecting its diverse customer base.

• Quality and Durability: Levi’s core value lies in crafting garments built to last, defying fast fashion trends.


Brand Positioning Map: (personal opinion)

§ Buy Better, Wear Longer for a More Sustainable Future

§Buy Better, Wear Longer for a More Sustainable Future

1. Contribution to the Ecological System:

• Durable Products: Levi’s is renowned for its high-quality, durable denim made to last for generations. This reduces the need for frequent replacements and minimizes textile waste.

• Sustainable Materials: The brand continuously invests in eco-conscious materials like organic cotton, recycled fibers, and water-saving methods like

Water<Less® technology. Their WellThread® line uses recycled plastic bottles and cotton scraps.

• Repair & Secondhand Programs: Levi’s Secondhand stores extend the life of garments by promoting pre-owned clothing and offering tailoring
services. Their in-store Tailor Shops help customers repair and customize their Levi’s, further reducing garment waste.

Source :,0&op_usm=0.6,0.6,8&wid=1200&hei=630

2. “Buy Better, Wear Longer” Campaign (2021):

• Campaign Mission: To raise awareness about the environmental impact of fast fashion and encourage consumers to make conscious choices.

• Impact:

– Recognized by the United Nations for its contribution to sustainability.

– Increased consumer awareness about mindful consumption.

– Drove sales of their more sustainable product lines.