Case Study Preface

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By seoa1234


The apparel industry consumes more energy than the aviation and shipping industry combined[i], accounting for 10 percent of the global carbon emissions[ii]. Chemicals from dyes make their way into the environment, polluting the air, water, and also harming marine life. The fashion industry:

•Produces 20 percent of wastewater[ii]

•Is responsible for 8-10 percent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions[ii]

•$500 billion of value is lost every year due to clothing underutilization and lack of recycling[ii]

Despite the grim statistics, producers and consumers of fashion recognize that the industry needs to change. In the lead-up to the Climate Action Summit on 23 September 2019, the fashion industry has recognized that it has a crucial role to play in contributing to the realization of the goals of the Paris Agreement. Previously, in December 2018, 43 major brands and suppliers signed the Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action[ii] under the auspices of the United Nations. And the goal is simple: reaching net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Other initiatives in the industry are moving in the same direction. This goes hand-in-hand with consumers’ increased awareness of the choices and contributions they can make when we all decide to act now.   

To raise awareness and promote lasting behavior change when it comes to our fashion choices, the United Nations has started rolling out the #ActNow Fashion Challenge (from ACTNOW Fashion Challenge UN)

Now, I’d like to participate in the “ActNow Fashion Challenge” first by sharing case studies of some fashion companies for sustainable management.